


有需要陳妍希的其他歌曲喜歡什麼音樂都可以告訴我 幫你/妳製作歡迎唷

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I said I am sorry
Nobody seems to believe me
I said I am sorry
Does it mean something to you
Think back those days
You were kind and sweet
That is why I am sorry
I really I am sorry

At times I wanted to call you
But then I don't know if I should
And I don't want to bother you
Bring you the sorrow you don't need
Now I just want to let you know
What we had mean so much to me
Baby I am sorry
I really I am sorry

I guess I just wanna say
I wish all the best for you in life
You are so wonderful
You are so wonderful
You don't need my sorry
You don't need my sorry

At times I wanted to call you
But then I don't know if I should
And I don't want to bother you
Bring you the sorrow you don't need
Now I just want to let you know
What we had mean so much to me
Baby I am sorry
I really I am sorry

I guess I just wanna say
I wish all the best for you in life
You are so wonderful
You are so wonderful
You don't need my sorry
You don't need my sorry

But I am sorry

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